Wednesday 31 July 2013


Sometimes I wonder just how much of my life is wasted waiting. Especially waiting for busses and trains. Then if you add up all the time others spend waiting for public transport too, I'm sure the nation must wait years for delayed trains, no-show busses, slow trams....

I find when I'm waiting I start looking around at everyone else who's waiting, I love people watching. I reckon I'm not the only one.

Waiting with a group of friends is not so bad, things seem to happen faster if you've got someone to talk too. There's always groups of teenagers at the bus station, waiting to get home or just sometimes hanging around. Usually being noisy, annoying. As I'm getting older I find I'm quicker to judge teenagers, finding them disrespectful, assuming they'll be dishonest. This girl caught my eye; pretty, confident, at ease around her peers. She seemed cocky, seemed to be in charge. But then she blew me away - they got on my bus and were sat near me, a bit rowdy, a bit of swearing and cajoling each other. Then when I made to get up I had left my purse on the seat, I hadn't even realised that I didn't put it back in my bag. In a very kind, very sweet voice she got my attention and told me my purse was on the seat, restoring my faith in humanity and teenagers!

Boredom is a common feature among commuters, I'm noticing the signs of boredom more and more, stoney faces, arms crossed, vacant staring. People who are clearly travelling together but have ran out of things to say to each other.

Then there's the people who can't stay still when they are bored, some pace up and down, some tap out annoying little tunes on the metal arm rests of seats, some jiggle their knees up and down. This chap seemed to be in constant motion, sitting back then leaning forward, then raising his feet off the floor, then sitting back again. It was quite amusing to watch.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
All images are owned by Nicola Dawes unless otherwise stated

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